Zachary Lemnios

Zachary Lemnios age

Zachary Lemnios (Engineer ) was born in Massachusetts, United States on a Monday, February 21, 1955 🎈. Zachary Lemnios is 69 years old. He is a Pisces ♓ and was born in the Year of the Goat 🐐.

Scientist who was the United States Assistant Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering from 2009 to 2012. He was awarded the Medal for Exceptional Public Service by the Office of Secretary of Defense.

Discover actual Zachary Lemnios facts, biography, date of birth, and related news below.

FULL NAME: Zachary Lemnios
BIRTH DATE: February 21, 1955
BIRTHPLACE: Massachusetts, United States
AGE: 69 years old
ZODIAC: Pisces


Zachary Lemnios is a Engineer. Zachary was born in the 1950s, in the middle of the Baby Boomers Generation generation. Baby Boomers are individuals born between 1946 and 1964, during the post World War II baby boom. This generation is known for Rock and Roll, Woodstock, Elvis, the Beatles, miniskirts, and Barbies. Baby boomers have experienced some of the most important historical events, including the JFK Assassination, the Cuban Missile Crisis, the civil rights movement, and the Vietnam War.

He married his wife Stephanie. Find out who is Zachary Lemnios dating right now.

He grew up in a Greek community in Lexington, Massachusetts.

DID YOU KNOW He joined IBM after he resigned from his post in the government.

FACT He was appointed by Barack Obama.

SEE ALSO Zachary Lemnios’s net worth as of 2024.


Currently, Zachary Lemnios is 69 years old. His next birthday is away. Zachary will celebrate his 70th birthday on a Monday, February 21st. He shares a birthday with everyone who was born on February 21, 1955. Below is the countdown to his upcoming birthday.


Zachary Lemnios’s zodiac sign is Pisces. People born between the dates of February 19th and March 20th belong to the twelfth sign in the zodiac, Pisces. Pisces are known for being emotionally sensitive, gracious, and emotionally aware. Virgo is the most compatible sign for Pisces.

Famous Pisces celebrities are Albert Einstein, Justin Bieber, Rihanna, Olivia Rodrigo, Victor Hugo, Camila Cabello, Stephen Curry, George Washington, Tyler The Creator, and Adam Levine. Pisces ruling planet is Neptune. Astrologically, Neptune is the planet of inspiration.

Zachary Lemnios was born in the Year of the Goat. Goat symbolizes pureness and preciousness in Chinese culture. People born in the Year of the Goat are intelligent, creative, charming, compassionate, and gentle. They can also sometimes be unorganized, lazy, pessimistic, insecure, indecisive, anxious, and gullible.

This year is the Year of the Dragon.

DID YOU KNOW United States life expectancy is about 78.5 years.

Zachary Lemnios is a 69 years old Engineer, born in February, in the Year of the Goat (1955), and is a Pisces. His life path number is 7. Zachary’s birthstone is Amethyst, and his birth flower is Violet.


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