Mike Godwin

Mike Godwin age

Mike Godwin (Lawyer ) was born in United States on a Friday, October 26, 1956 🎈. Mike Godwin is 67 years old. He is a Scorpio ♏ and was born in the Year of the Monkey 🐒.

Author and attorney known for having created the Godwin’s Law internet adage. Godwin’s Law became an entry in the Oxford English Dictionary in 2012.

Discover real Mike Godwin facts, biography, date of birth, and related news below.

FULL NAME: Mike Godwin
BIRTH DATE: October 26, 1956
BIRTHPLACE: United States
AGE: 67 years old
ZODIAC: Scorpio


Mike Godwin is a Lawyer. Mike was born in the 1950s, in the middle of the Baby Boomers Generation generation. Baby Boomers are individuals born between 1946 and 1964, during the post World War II baby boom. This generation is known for Rock and Roll, Woodstock, Elvis, the Beatles, miniskirts, and Barbies. Baby boomers have experienced some of the most important historical events, including the JFK Assassination, the Cuban Missile Crisis, the civil rights movement, and the Vietnam War.

He is from the United States. Find out who is Mike Godwin dating right now.

While attending law school at the University of Texas he worked as an editor for The Daily Texan.

DID YOU KNOW He worked as an attorney for the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) in the early 1990’s.

FACT Both he and actor Matthew McConaughey received undergraduate degrees from the University of Texas at Austin.

SEE ALSO Mike Godwin’s net worth as of 2024.


Currently, Mike Godwin is 67 years old. His next birthday is away. Mike will celebrate his 68th birthday on a Friday, October 26th. He shares a birthday with everyone who was born on October 26, 1956. Below is the countdown to his next birthday.


Mike Godwin’s zodiac sign is Scorpio. People born between the dates of October 23rd and November 21st belong to the eighth sign in the zodiac, Scorpio. Libras are known for being loyal, passionate, and strategic. They're can be either the best of allies or the deadliest of enemies. Cancer is the most compatible sign for Scorpios.

Famous Scorpio celebrities are Leonardo DiCaprio, Drake, Matthew McConaughey, Drake, Ryan Reynolds, Katy Perry, Kris Jenner, Anne Hathaway, Ryan Gosling, Charles Manson, and Marie Antoinette. Scorpio ruling planet is Pluto. Astrologically, Pluto symbolizes transformation rebirth and regeneration.

Mike Godwin was born in the Year of the Monkey. Monkey symbolizes cleverness in Chinese culture. People born in the Year of the Monkey have magnetic personalities and are confident, charming, and humorous. They can also sometimes be distrustful, arrogant, opportunistic, erratic, manipulative, and dishonest.

This year is the Year of the Dragon.

DID YOU KNOW United States life expectancy is about 78.5 years.

Mike Godwin is a 67 years old Lawyer, born in October, in the Year of the Monkey (1956), and is a Scorpio. His life path number is 3. Mike’s birthstone is Opal and Tourmaline, and his birth flower is Marigold. You may also check out all famous birthdays in October or specifically birthdays on October 26.


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