Jan Pearson

Jan Pearson age

Jan Pearson (Soap Opera Actress ) was born in Worcestershire, England, UK on a Sunday, April 12, 1959 🎈. Jan Pearson is 65 years old. She is a Aries ♈ and was born in the Year of the Pig 🐖.

2010 Soap Award winner for Best On-Screen Partnership, shared with Chris Walker, for her role in the soap opera Doctors. She also played Kath Shaughnessy in Holby City.

Discover real Jan Pearson facts, biography, date of birth, and related news below.

FULL NAME: Jan Pearson
BIRTH DATE: April 12, 1959
BIRTHPLACE: Worcestershire, England, UK
AGE: 65 years old


Jan Pearson is a Soap Opera Actress. Jan was born in the 1950s, in the middle of the Baby Boomers Generation generation. Baby Boomers are individuals born between 1946 and 1964, during the post World War II baby boom. This generation is known for Rock and Roll, Woodstock, Elvis, the Beatles, miniskirts, and Barbies. Baby boomers have experienced some of the most important historical events, including the JFK Assassination, the Cuban Missile Crisis, the civil rights movement, and the Vietnam War.

She was born Janice Pearson in Wollaston, Worcestershire, England. Find out who is Jan Pearson dating right now.

She worked in the Royal Exchange pub for years. She previously wanted to become a doctor but did not the qualifications.

DID YOU KNOW Film credits of hers have included Martha, Meet Frank, Daniel and Laurence and Terror! Robespierre and the French Revolution.

FACT She and Chris Walker beat out EastEnders ‘ actors Patsy Palmer and Sid Owen for Best On-Screen Partnership.

SEE ALSO Jan Pearson’s net worth as of 2024.


Currently, Jan Pearson is 65 years old. Her next birthday is away. Jan will celebrate her 66th birthday on a Sunday, April 12th. She shares a birthday with everyone who was born on April 12, 1959. Below is the countdown to her next birthday.


Jan Pearson’s zodiac sign is Aries. People born between the dates of March 21st and April 19th belong to the first sign in the zodiac, Aries. Aries are known for being ambitious, honest, self-assertive, and brave. Sagittarius is the most compatible sign for Aries.

Famous Aries celebrities are Lady Gaga, Mariah Carey, Jackie Chan, Leonardo DaVinci, Robert Downey Jr., James Franco, Harry Houdini, Thomas Jefferson, Vincent van Gogh, Emma Watson, Marlon Brando, and Charlie Chaplin. Aries ruling planet is Mars. Astrologically, Mars represents ambition, passion, and energy.

Jan Pearson was born in the Year of the Pig. A pig symbolize wealth, luck and prosperity in Chinese culture. People born in the Year of the Pig are intelligent, thoughtful, diligent, genuine, and noble. They can also sometimes be gullible, materialistic, insecure, and hot-tempered.

This year is the Year of the Dragon.

DID YOU KNOW United States life expectancy is about 78.5 years.

Jan Pearson is a 65 years old Soap Opera Actress, born in April, in the Year of the Pig (1959), and is a Aries. Her life path number is 4. Jan’s birthstone is Diamond, and her birth flower is Sweet Pea/Daisy. You may also check out all famous birthdays in April or specifically birthdays on April 12.


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