Emil Sutovsky

Emil Sutovsky age

Emil Sutovsky (Chess Player ) was born in Azerbaijan on a Monday, September 19, 1977 🎈. Emil Sutovsky is 46 years old. He is a Virgo ♍ and was born in the Year of the Serpent 🐍.

Creative tactician with a never-say-die approach to the game; became a grandmaster and president of the Association of Chess Professionals.

Discover actual Emil Sutovsky facts, biography, date of birth, and related news below.

FULL NAME: Emil Sutovsky
BIRTH DATE: September 19, 1977
BIRTHPLACE: Azerbaijan
AGE: 46 years old


Emil Sutovsky is a Chess Player. Emil was born in the 1970s, in the middle of the Generation X generation. Generation X, also known as the "MTV Generation," are individuals born between 1965 and 1980. This generation saw the emergence of music videos, heavy metal, and hip hop. Nirvana, U2, Madonna, torn jeans, Beverly Hills 90210, and Friends also became popular. Gen Xers have also experienced significant events, including, fall of the Berlin Wall, the energy crisis, the Watergate scandal, the rise of the personal computer, and Terrorism at the Munich Olympics.

His mother was a music teacher, and Emil himself became a bass-baritone singer. Find out who is Emil Sutovsky dating right now.

He learned to play chess when he was 4 years old.

DID YOU KNOW Representing Israel, he won gold in the 2010 Chess Olympiad.

FACT FIDE World Champion Viswanathan Anand said Emil’s victory over Danny Gormally at Gibraltar 2005 was the greatest game he had ever seen.

SEE ALSO Emil Sutovsky’s net worth as of 2024.


Currently, Emil Sutovsky is 46 years old. His next birthday is away. Emil will celebrate his 47th birthday on a Monday, September 19th. He shares a birthday with everyone who was born on September 19, 1977. Below is the countdown to his next birthday.


Emil Sutovsky’s zodiac sign is Virgo. People born between the dates of August 23rd and September 22nd belong to the sixth sign of the zodiac, Virgo. Virgos are known for being humble, practical, and systematic in their approach to life. Cancer is the most compatible sign for Virgos.

Famous Virgo celebrities are Beyonce, Prince Harry, Cameron Diaz, Salma Hayek, Chris Pine, Jennifer Judson, Bernie Sanders, and Agatha Christie. Virgo ruling planet is Mercury. Astrologically, Mercury symbolizes communication. It is the closest planet planet to the sun.

Emil Sutovsky was born in the Year of the Serpent. Serpent symbolizes fertility and rebirth in Chinese culture. People born in the Year of the Snake are intelligent, enigmatic, intuitive, charming, and beautiful. They can also sometimes be hedonistic, vain, malicious, overly materialistic, and duplicitous.

This year is the Year of the Dragon.

DID YOU KNOW United States life expectancy is about 78.5 years.

Emil Sutovsky is a 46 years old Chess Player, born in September, in the Year of the Serpent (1977), and is a Virgo. His life path number is 7. Emil’s birthstone is Sapphire, and his birth flower is Aster/Myosotis. You may also check out all famous birthdays in September or specifically birthdays on September 19.


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