Charles J. Chaput

Charles J. Chaput age

Charles J. Chaput (Religious Leader ) was born in Kansas, United States on a Tuesday, September 26, 1944 🎈. Charles J. Chaput is 79 years old. He is a Libra ♎ and was born in the Year of the Monkey 🐒.

American prelate of the Catholic Church who, in 2011, was installed as the Archbishop of Philadelphia.

Discover actual Charles J. Chaput facts, biography, date of birth, and related news below.

FULL NAME: Charles J. Chaput
BIRTH DATE: September 26, 1944
BIRTHPLACE: Kansas, United States
AGE: 79 years old


Charles J. Chaput is a Religious Leader. Charles was born in the 1940s, in the middle of the Baby Boomers Generation generation. Baby Boomers are individuals born between 1946 and 1964, during the post World War II baby boom. This generation is known for Rock and Roll, Woodstock, Elvis, the Beatles, miniskirts, and Barbies. Baby boomers have experienced some of the most important historical events, including the JFK Assassination, the Cuban Missile Crisis, the civil rights movement, and the Vietnam War.

His father was a French Canadian who directly descended from the French saint King Louis IX while his mother was a Native American. Find out who is Charles J. Chaput dating right now.

He received a Bachelor of Arts degree in philosophy from St. Fidelis College in Herman in 1967.

DID YOU KNOW Since he is a member of the Prairie Band Potawatomi he is thus far only the second Native American to be ordained a bishop in the United States and the first Native American archbishop.

FACT He was appointed Bishop of Rapid City, South Dakota, by Pope John Paul II in 1988.

SEE ALSO Charles J. Chaput’s net worth as of 2024.


Currently, Charles J. Chaput is 79 years old. His next birthday is away. Charles will celebrate his 80th birthday on a Tuesday, September 26th. He shares a birthday with everyone who was born on September 26, 1944. Below is the countdown to his next birthday.


Charles J. Chaput’s zodiac sign is Libra. People born between the dates of September 23rd to October 22nd belong to the seventh sign in the zodiac, Libra. Libras are known for being balanced, diplomatic, and kind. Gemini is the most compatible sign for Libras.

Famous Libra celebrities are Will Smith, Kim Kardashian, Snoop Dogg, Doja Cat, Donald Glover, Neil DeGrasse Tyson, Matt Damon, Marion Cotillard, Hugh Jackman, Bruno Mars, Lil Wayne, Bella Thorne, and Nick Cannon. Libra ruling planet is Venus. Astrologically, Venus is the planet of all things love and romance.

Charles J. Chaput was born in the Year of the Monkey. Monkey symbolizes cleverness in Chinese culture. People born in the Year of the Monkey have magnetic personalities and are confident, charming, and humorous. They can also sometimes be distrustful, arrogant, opportunistic, erratic, manipulative, and dishonest.

This year is the Year of the Dragon.

DID YOU KNOW United States life expectancy is about 78.5 years.

Charles J. Chaput is a 79 years old Religious Leader, born in September, in the Year of the Monkey (1944), and is a Libra. His life path number is 8. Charles’s birthstone is Sapphire, and his birth flower is Aster/Myosotis. You may also check out all famous birthdays in September or specifically birthdays on September 26.


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